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#1 Bestselling Book Reveals the 9 Financial Myths to Eliminate So You Can Live Your Richest Life NOW…

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Killing Sacred Cows exposes 9 financial myths – sold to us by financial institutions – that destroy your prosperity. 

And how to ditch them to live your rich life NOW.

Garrett Gunderson appeared on ABC, CNBC, Fox News with Neil Cavuto, Fox Business,, the Wall Street Journal and radio shows across the country to promote the book and spread this message…

…The entire financial industry is built to benefit big banks and Wall Street at your expense, and financial “sacred cows” like 401(k)s and IRAs are not the no-brainers people think they are.

Those who didn’t listen to Garrett’s advice wished they had.

Within 6 months, the Dow Jones fell 43% on the New York Stock Exchange.

The CBS investigative TV show 60 Minutes asked viewers:

“What kind of retirement plan allows millions of people to lose 30-50% of their life savings just as they near retirement?”

As Markets Fell, Killing Sacred Cows Quickly Soared Up the Bestseller Charts, Reaching...

#1 in USA Today

#1 in Wall Street Journal

#1 in Business Week

Plus New York Times bestseller

Garrett has now written 9 books, sold hundreds of thousands of copies and even released a financial comedy special on Amazon Prime (jokes you can take all the way to the bank-lol).

But you can get the brand new, updated version of his first book exposing the 9 financial myths for free right here.

Here’s just some of what you’ll discover.

  • Why “Save, sacrifice and defer for 30 years” is a budget-your-way-broke strategy

  • Debt may not be what you think it is. Learn the proper definition of debt to increase your prosperity.

  • Money mindsets can be shaped in a moment, but have lifelong, tragic effects. Hard work with the wrong philosophy (myths) can lead to limitation, frustration and even bankruptcy.

  • Why you’re not “behind” on your savings goals like they want you to think

  • Become a better investor by discovering and developing your Investor DNA.

  • How to live your rich life today AND in the future

And much, much more.

So click below to avoid money mistakes, identify and eliminate myths and reprogram your mind to have new levels of success by grabbing the #1 bestseller right now:

483+ Five-Star Reviews and Counting!

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “Priceless”

“Garrett Gunderson, inspirational speaker, a financial genius and all around great human, turns the standard financial broken model on how to build wealth on its ear. His insightful prose on how to establish a relationship with money is priceless.” 

~ Teri Cochrane, verified 5-star review

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “Game-changer”

"Just starting this book and already I can tell this is a game changer. Looking forward to diving in deep."

~ Remi Champagne, verified 5-star review

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “Best Book on Money”

"This is the single best book on money I have ever read, and I have an MBA and read at least 4 books a month."

~ Fleming, verified 5-star review

About the Author

Garrett Gunderson is a financial savant, disruptor, innovator and author of 9 money books.

Garrett’s first book, Killing Sacred Cows, was a #1 Wall Street Journal, #1 USA Today and New York Times bestseller. And his follow-up book, What Would Rockefellers Do?, is proving to be just as popular with hundreds of thousands of copies sold!

Garrett has received praise from other #1 best-selling authors like Robert Kiyosaki (Rich Dad, Poor Dad), T Harv Eker (Secrets of the Millionaire Mind) and Ben Greenfield (Boundless).* And as a speaker he’s shared the stage with the Dalai Lama, Richard Branson, Tony Robbins and more.

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